Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Is Aaron Ward Elementary's Moriarty?

The following scene is from way back in episode 4 “Rat Race” of Elementary. In the episode, Joan Watson is setup on a blind date with Aaron Ward by a friend of hers.

At around 1:24 seconds, Watson receives a text message from Sherlock Holmes saying, “YT? ND U ASAP.” It appears normal but if you look very closely when the camera shifts to Ward walking back from paying for his drink, you also see Ward checking his phone with one eyebrow raised, which he continues as he looks at Watson’s phone. A raised eyebrow means, in most cases, that the raiser of said eyebrow is interested in something. Now what can he possibly be interested in? The answer is Sherlock Holmes of course.

Now, why ask Watson what Holmes text abbreviations mean? As seen in episode 12 “M.” Moriarty uses coded text messages to his henchman. Could he possibly be thinking that Holmes too uses coded text messages to Watson?

Another key “hint” is that the camera is so heavily focused on him and what he is doing. The director of this scene wants us to see what Ward is doing and even though Ward looking at his phone only happens for a brief second it is important that we see it. If Ward was an unimportant do you think this much emphasis is needed on a person paying for a beverage in a scene so early in season 1 and 8 episodes away from the first Moriarty namedrop? Hardily.

Later in the episode, Watson is seen on another date and this time Watson knows that Ward was married before. I do not have the clip for this but I will summarize it for you. When Watson first arrives Ward asks Watson how she found out he was married. Watson brushes the question of and instead turns the focus to Ward and wants explanation. He answers that he married someone that was seeking refuge in the United States. Ward, right after he tells Watson his story, asks again how she found out he was married and the scene ends.

Now why would Ward, even after telling his story to Watson, ask twice on how she found out about his marriage. Also seen from episode 12 Moriarty knows Holmes is, indirectly, pursuing him. Could Ward be starting to panic that Holmes found out who he is? Possible.
Now I could be wrong but one cannot deny that the character of Aaron Ward is interesting and brings off a very weird vibe.

Also, Found this ironic after posting it. In the letter Moriarty gives to Holmes in episode 12 he states: "You are a mouse chasing a lion." Now think, what was the name of this episode again?

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